Monday, April 21, 2008

From the Website

Image created at GlassGiant.comMaybe it’s the cold medicine, but, today’s Ten Post Round-Up has my head spinning:

1: Proof of progress in Iraq: Seatbelts!…

As the Iraqis Buckle Up, We Will Stand DownBring It On!

2: Sometimes, doing things the old-fashioned way, really is best…

Exposed: The Great GM Crops

3: Ben Stein’s movie is number 8 with a bullet! On the upside, it should be available in Blu-Ray in a couple of months!…

Expelled’s Weekend Box OfficeFriendly Atheist

4: To be sure, it wasn’t just television news that was taken in by the Pentagon’s Propaganda machine…

A Guide to ‘NYT’ Bombshell on Military/Media PropagandaThe Huffington Post

5: In the UK, psychics will have to prove themselves…

New Psychic LawThe J-Walk Blog

6: Mark Fiore has a great ad about the Presidential retirement plan…

White House LifeMark

7: Another reason Dizzy does not watch game shows: For any number of reasons, I find them highly unpalatable….

Dubya: Game Show PlayaPerez Hilton

8: A draft by any other name would be just as rotten…

No Draft, You Say?Reconstitution 2.0

9: The truth is, the blogosphere has been suspicious of such things for awhile now…

The Puppetry of the PentagonShakesville

10: Hey! At least they have a seatbelt law now!…

you read it here secondskippy the bush kangaroo

273 días hasta el final de un error…


(I like my morning cuppa with a little hypocrisy chaser)

Last 5 posts by Dizzy Dezzi

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